Monday, March 18, 2013

My Digital Library

I really like using Diigo as a digital library.  It is very convenient having all my documents stored in one location.  Previously I had been using the favorite icon on different computers.  I found myself e-mailing or printing documents as I needed them.  Diigo is very user friendly and easy to set up.   I can’t believe that I have been missing out on this great technology tool!  It offers so many features to keep your documents organized.  Creating sticky notes, highlighting documents, previewing a document with the read later notation, creating notes in the text box, being able to keep documents in the library marked private and being cloud based without having to keep a backup are many of the reasons why I have enjoyed creating and maintaining my personal library.   Most convenient to me is the Tag option.  I like that it allows me to quickly scan the tag list on the left and locate documents with scrolling through my entire library.

I plan on using Diigo for the rest of my courses and expand my digital library.  It will be very helpful next semester when I take Educational Research.  What features do you like about Diigo?   Do you find it as user friendly as I do?

The short video below was very informative when I was setting up my library. It discusses the many features I mentioned in my blog post.   I thought it would be helpful for others getting started.

Diigo V5: Collect and Highlight, Then Remember! from diigobuzz on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this video! I'm still adjusting to Diigo and this was helpful to watch.
